Consultations are planned throughout the whole Eco-Vallée operation, starting before the project launch and to be continued through its progression, with all partners and the general public.
Workshops with a range of actors
In the preparation phase, workshops involving a range of actors were organized in September 2011. Some 200 people were involved, whose contributions helped build a joint elaboration of the project.
Consultations with partners
The Eco-Vallée partners are regularly consulted within the decision making instances, council of mayors, township meetings…, and an open dialogue is maintained with the network of associations. The rule is a collaborative governance1 in project mode.
Public consultations
The EPA is in charge of organizing the public consultations, in collaboration with the local instances involved. As the operations unfold, each project is presented to the general public, offering people an opportunity to express their opinions; Such consultation was held for instance for the Grand Arénas project (15 March - 30 April, 2012) and by the end of 2012 for the Nice Méridia project.