Vision, 10 objectives

The Eco-Vallée - view from Castagniers to Le Broc © EPA

The Eco-Vallée - view from Castagniers to Le Broc © EPA

10 objectives for the Eco-Vallée


  1. To forge an overall vision of this exceptional area, and base its economic and social mutation on top eco-friendly standards.

  1. To restore the area’s natural fundamental values, without taking into account administrative constituencies: it’s great landscape, the valley’s ecosystem and it’s resources, in particular in terms of water and biodiversity.

  1. To put in place a transport and travel strategy that precedes urban planning, rather than trying to catch up later, and that offers alternatives to a “cars only” approach.

  1. To systematically rely on the principle of mixed use developments, combining activities, housing, public equipments, sports and recreational areas… .

  1. To substitute random functions stacked up as an extension of the city, with a coherent approach in terms of planning and urbanism.

  1. To conceive an overall economic development strategy which is on par with the ambitions and needs of a major European metropolis, by anchoring the territory in innovation and technologies of the future, in particular those linked to sustainable development, in order to favor diversification and ultimately create 40 000 to 50 000 jobs.

  1. To create a new model of urban development in which agriculture has its full place as part of the balance between constructed areas and natural spaces along both banks of the river.

  1. To experiment a new, unprecedented concept which brings together city and nature, and paves the way for new life styles within this territory.

  1. To propose a planning that takes into account natural risks, and in particular the risk of flooding

  1. To put in place the means to regulate real estate within the larger, high stakes districts, based on the principle of « neither despoilment, nor speculation”.