Creating jobs

Creating jobsCreating jobsCreating jobs

The ultimate goal is to create 50 000 new jobs within the Eco-Vallée, which will be added on to the existing 60 000 jobs.


New, diversified employment

The dynamics of the Eco-Vallée will help create jobs at all levels of qualification, within a range of different areas:

  • Environnement : at the heart of the Eco-Vallée project, this rapidly expanding area requires new skills (technicians, engineers, researchers , animators…) within fields such as renewable energies, waste management, water management, risk management, upkeep of natural spaces, nature oriented leisure activities … .

  • Construction, with all the new development projects (workers, technicians, managers, architects…).


  • Public works, with the many infrastructures to provide access to the new sites (workers, technicians, managers, architects…).


  • Industrial and IT companies (workers, technicians, engineers, managers…).


  • Services (health, leisure, sports, person services…).


  • Quaternary sector (administrative, commercial, management …) especially in the Grand Arénas business center.


  • Agriculture and horticulture, in particular within the excellence poles of the Chamber of Agriculture.


  • Logistics (La Baronne-Lingostière, Logistics Park of Saint-Isidore…).


  • Commerce (existing shopping areas as well as new commerces).


  • Business tourism with the future exhibition park.


  • Public functions education (daycare centers, schools, high schools, university), research (centers for public research), administration (State, local instances…).